Frequent questions
Are transfers to / from airports included in the itineraries?
Transfers are included to and from the recommended airports based on the trip chosen and the scheduled time slot:
- Madonie (various): we recommend arrival and departure at Palermo airport;
- Etna (various): we recommend arrival and departure at Catania airport.
All transfers requested from non-recommended airports (depending on the trip) and / or at times not included in the time slot we recommend (9-14) are considered extra.
What are the costs of transfers from airports and / or at non-recommended times?
Transfer from / to Palermo airport (various Madonie trips): € 150.00
Transfer from / to Catania airport (various Etna trips): € 250.00
• in case of an extra transfer request to Palermo at the end of the Etna trip, the cost is € 250.00 (same price for extra transfer to Catania at the end of the Madonie trip)
• in case of extra transfer request for Catania at the end of the Etna trip, the cost is € 200.00
Can the itineraries be modified?
The guides reserve the right to modify the itineraries in case of adverse weather conditions and/or availability of accommodation facilities (decision that can be taken on the spot).
What is the minimum and maximum number of participants?
Minimum number of Etna participants: 4
Maximum number of Etna participants: 10
Minimum Madonie participants: 2
Maximum Madonie participants: 10
(N.B: the minimum and maximum number of participants may vary due to special requests and agreements with customers)
We offer the possibility to book private and / or personalized trips, please contact us for more information.